Custom Query (1414 matches)


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Results (88 - 90 of 1414)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#93 wontfix os_linux.cpp: Use SG_IO instead of deprecated SCSI ioctl somebody Christian Franke

Some controller specific functions in os_linux.cpp still use some old SCSI pass-through ioctl. This may result in syslog messages like:

... kernel: [...] program smartd is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO

SG_IO should be used if supported.

#94 fixed Build fails if source was downloaded via ViewVC Christian Franke Christian Franke

ViewVC allows to download the source as a tarball. A build from the tarball fails because the SVN Id strings are not expanded.

#95 fixed JMicron 4 device support (0x152d:0x0551) Christian Franke cheetah

I've recently acquired a 4 bay USB3+eSATA enclosure, specifically this one: (Mediasonic Pro Box 4 Bay Enclosure USB 3.0 & eSATA [HF2-SU3S2] in case the link becomes dead). NB: I'm not actually using USB3 (yet), it's connected to a USB2 host.

The enclosure uses a JMicron chip that smartmontools does not support. I'm hoping that JMicron implemented this one similarly to the two device chips, and that smartmontools can support this without huge effort.

What smartctl says when I try to query it: "... Unknown USB bridge [0x152d:0x0551 (0x100)]" ... <please use -d>

On a lark, I tried the usbjmicron,0, and that appeared to successfully give the info for the first disk. So I tried usbjmicron,1 for the second device, and that I think made the enclosure "reboot": I got a usb disconnect, and then it came back to life.

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