Custom Query (1415 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 1415)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#74 duplicate filename for save should include SerialNumber and time somebody dg12

It would be nicer if the defaulted filename for saving the status was in the form: ssssss-yymmdd-hhmm

#75 fixed smartctl: selective test of multiple spans rejected Dan Lukes Dan Lukes

Smartctl misinterpret multiple use of -t select,M-N as request for multiple tests type and reject it with message: ERROR: smartctl run only run a single test type ...

#76 wontfix DEVICESCAN smartd not working on opensolaris snv_134 somebody grooverdan

$ pfexec /usr/local/sbin/smartd -c smartd.conf $ echo $? 17 Running smartd returns an error code indicating no disks are available.

$ cat smartd.conf DEFAULTSCAN -a -d sat,12 -m root

system trace indicates no devices are opened

smartd.conf.4 suggests that /dev/rdsk/c?t?d?s? is scanned. ? should correspond to more that one digit (not sure if this is the case) and s? isn't needed as this just refers to a slice of a disk.

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