Custom Query (1414 matches)


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Results (34 - 36 of 1414)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#34 fixed Check error count from Extended Comprehensive SMART error log Christian Franke Christian Franke

Some recent (e.g. Samsung) drives report errors only in the Extended Comprehensive SMART error log. The Summary SMART error log can be read but is always empty. In this case, smartd ('-l error' directive) will never report an error.

Smartd should check the error counters from both error logs.

#35 fixed Default mail setting does not make sense if "--savestates" is enabled Christian Franke Christian Franke

By default smartd sends one mail for each type of disk problem detected ('-M once' directive). If '--savestates' is enabled, the mail state is also stored such that a mail is never send again even if smartd is restarted.

Workaround: specify '-M daily'.

#36 fixed smartd directive '-l selftest' does no longer work Christian Franke Christian Franke

Due to a regression in ataPrintSmartSelfTestlog(), smartd directive '-l selftest' does no longer work. Nothing is logged if the number of failed tests reported in the SMART Self-Test Log has increased.

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