Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (349 - 351 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#501 wontfix make smartctl into a library Folkert van Heusden

It would be great if smartctl was functionally split into a commandline tool and a library. That library could then be linked into third party applications. This is assuming that smartctl has no easily parseable output.

#502 fixed Missing variable quoting in update-smart-drivedb Christian Franke tkaiser

The update-smart-drivedb script (using version 6.3) does not quote the $SMARTCTL variable correctly in line 125 so when the path to smartctl contains whitespace execution will fail. Currently line 125 reads:

if $SMARTCTL -B "$" -P showall >/dev/null; then :; else

#504 fixed MediaSonic ProBox 4-Bay Enclosure (HF2-SU3S2) unrecognized Christian Franke jss

I have two enclosures from MediaSonic: one is Rev 2 and one is Rev 3. Both use JMicron chipsets and are currently unrecognized in the SmartMonTools database:

  • Rev 2 = 152d:0539
  • Rev 3 = 152d:0567

I have reviewed tickets #95 and #338. I can confirm that "-d usbjmicron" with its various parameters do not work. I can also confirm that "-d sat" does work.

I would like these two USB bridges to be entered into the database so that the appropriate device type is used automatically.

I am running OpenMediaVault 1.0.20 (Debian 7.7).

  • jss
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