Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (343 - 345 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#491 invalid Selective self-tests not logged to selective self-test log data structure on WD Green 6TB Martin Schröder

Hi, I have a Western Digital WD Green 6TB, SATA 6Gb/s (WD60EZRX).

But selective self tests are not logged to the selective self-test log data structure.

Output of smartctl -x is attached.

#495 invalid Smartmontools + Intel RAIDcontroller + Powershell MGctl


When I execute smartctl.exe -A /dev/csmi0,1 in Windows CMD i get the right information about my disk behind an Intel RAID Controller.

When I execute smartctl -A /dev/csmi0,1 in Windows Powershell it says, you have provided 2 device names: /dev/csmi0 and 1. How is this possible?

Kind Regards,


#496 fixed Add support for aacraid PMC(Adaptec) raid controller for windows Christian Franke nidhi

To add support for aacraid PMC(Adaptec) for windows.currently,we have support only for linux OS we would like to extend it for windows OS as well.We need your help and support in this regard

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