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Results (337 - 339 of 1417)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#465 fixed Read default SMART attribute settings from drivedb.h Christian Franke Christian Franke

The current default SMART attribute settings (-v, --vendorattribute option) are hard-coded in functions get_default_raw_format() and get_default_attr_name().

To ease changes, the defaults should be set by DEFAULT HDD/SSD entries in drivedb.h itself.

Drawback: Automatic merges of new drivedb.h entries to drivedb.h branches will be incomplete.

#466 invalid FreeBSD 9.3: extended self-test log lifetime timestamp does not match reality Jeremy Chadwick

At some point in time (I'm not sure when), it looks like either smartmontools or FreeBSD (I'm not sure which) appears to have begun using the wrong time when doing self-tests.

More precisely: when a self-test is run (ex. smartctl -t short /dev/ada0), the completion time as shown in the SMART self-test log is extremely distant/far off compared to attribute 9 Power_On_Hours.

This problem is reproducible across multiple drive models (Samsung SSD 840 EVO, WD3003FZEX, WD1003FZEX).

I cannot reproduce this problem on Windows XP Pro SP3 (32-bit) using smartmontools 6.3.

I'll provide some hard data, including -r ataioctl,2 output, from multiple drives on a system, and show actual proof of this problem.

I keep going back and forth trying to figure out if this is a smartmontools bug or a FreeBSD CAM/kernel bug (and if it's the latter, it manifests itself in an extremely bizarre way).

Rolling back to smartmontools 6.2 does not fix the problem.

#468 fixed Add support for TS64GSSD370 Christian Franke spacedust

It's not in smartctl database and many values are not detected properly.

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