Custom Query (212 matches)


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Results (201 - 212 of 212)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#1879 WDC WD20SMRW-59YNDS0 new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1880 ST4000NC000-1FR168 new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1885 Western Digital Red Pro WD8005FFBX-68CAKN0 not in smartctl database new minor undecided drivedb
#1887 "WD Red SA500 2.5 4TB" not in drivedb new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1894 WDC WD6003FZBX-00K5WB0 new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1895 Add support for kimtigo SSD 256GB new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1897 ADATA IM2S3168-128GD new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1899 Verbatim Vi550 S3 SSD 512 GB (Silicon Motion) new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1900 WD Green 2.5 1000GB not in database: Attaching short self-test log new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1901 JMicron JMS581DL (0x152d:0x0581, -d sat or -d sntjmicron) new minor undecided drivedb
#1903 Request for Enhancement in drivedb (ST24000NT002[-3N1101]) new minor undecided drivedb
#1904 Add Samsung Portable SSD T9 (sntasmedia, 0x04e8:0x61fd) to drivedb new minor unscheduled drivedb
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Batch Modify
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