Custom Query (208 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 208)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#52 os_linux.cpp: Implement linux_highpoint_device::ata_pass_through() new somebody major unscheduled all
#60 DEVICESCAN and hotplug new somebody major unscheduled smartd
#104 os_solaris.cpp: Migrate to new dev_interface new somebody major unscheduled all
#105 os_qnxnto.cpp: Migrate to new dev_interface new somebody major unscheduled all
#688 Print vendor specific NVMe log pages new major unscheduled smartctl
#1806 JSON output for NVMe is missing info from 'smartctl -c' new major unscheduled smartctl
#1825 Use the CI build process also for official releases accepted Christian Franke major Release 7.5 all
#64 Replace DEVICESCAN by something more flexible accepted Christian Franke minor unscheduled all
#90 Allow to ignore small changes of attribute values accepted Christian Franke minor unscheduled smartd
#107 Monitor worst and threshold value new somebody minor undecided smartd
#110 Print self-test failure checkpoint byte new somebody minor undecided smartctl
#187 information of partitions accepted Christian Franke minor unscheduled smartctl
#215 Read xerror and append new error(s) to log file new somebody minor undecided all
#230 Areca device for Windows not showing in --scan new somebody minor undecided all
#292 Some Seagate drives play loose with the usage of some fields, confuses calculations new somebody minor undecided all
#299 Feature request: Read drive info through WMI new somebody minor undecided smartd
#302 smartd Selective Self-Test SIZE accepted Christian Franke minor unscheduled all
#345 Implement scanning of the cciss devices for the Linux/FreeBSD new minor unscheduled all
#464 Improve handling of the SanDisk based SSDs based on data from vendor tool new minor unscheduled drivedb
#645 Highpoint RocketRAID 2680SGL support (Windows) reopened minor undecided all
#690 os_solaris.cpp: Add NVMe support for Solaris and IllumOS new minor undecided all
#695 Incorrect serial number in email report after drive replacement new minor unscheduled smartd
#719 Prolific PL2773 USB3.0/eSATAII-to-SATAII bridge via eSATA not working reopened minor undecided all
#904 ADATA SP580 new minor unscheduled drivedb
#914 DRIVE SUBMSISION: TOSHIBA THNSNK128GCS8 SSD 128GB new minor unscheduled drivedb
#930 add to drivedb: Hewlett_Packard_Enterprise-MB001000GWCBC new minor undecided drivedb
#964 new re-RMA disk, smartmontools shows Power-off_retract_count > 65536+ but other 'Count' values are < 5-10 new minor undecided drivedb
#990 add to drivedb: MB4000GVYZA new minor undecided drivedb
#999 add to drivedb: WDC WD10S21X-24R1BT0-SSHD-8GB new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1001 add to drivedb: GBDriver GS1 new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1012 Please add Western Digital WD6001F4PZ-49CWHM0 to the database new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1020 SanDisk SD8SN8U512G1002 new minor unscheduled all
#1025 KingSpec NT-256 M.2 SATA 256 GB SSD new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1031 Device "LITEON CV1-8B256" is missing from the smartmontools database new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1032 INTEL SSDSC2KR064G8 (E5100s) new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1061 not in smartctl database: TOSHIBA HDWA120 new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1066 Please add a timeout parameter new minor unscheduled smartctl
#1067 Add Samsung specific NVMe pass-through access via NVMe Security commands new minor undecided all
#1114 TOSHIBA MQ01ACF050 - device not in database new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1128 add to drivedb: Innodisk 3IE4 MLC 32GB DHS25-32GM41BW1DC-A90 new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1135 KINGSTON SMS100S232G new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1139 Please add HP VK0240GEYJQ (Intel S3510 with custom FW) new minor undecided drivedb
#1141 Add Intel D3-S4610 Series (SSDSC2KG960G8R) new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1142 Add SanDisk SSD P4 SLC 16 GB new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1149 Make Copyrights and Licenses Computer Readable: handle imported and other files new minor unscheduled all
#1174 Database addition: KingSpec NT-512 new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1180 HP-MB2000GCWDA drive new minor undecided drivedb
#1188 Add to drivedb: Swissbit SFSA480GM1AA4TO-I-OC-616-STD new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1190 smartd not writing attributes (-A) for NVMe devices new minor unscheduled smartd
#1193 report for KINGSTON SM2280S3120G (M.2) new minor unscheduled all
#1199 LITEON LDH-256V2S new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1206 add to drivedb: Toshiba HK6-R SSD (KHK61RSE1T92) new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1208 Add SanDisk X400 2.5 7MM 128GB new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1213 Access smart data from devices behind Megaraid software stack (ESRT2) new minor undecided all
#1216 Please add model THNSF8800CCSE (Dell) to drivedb.h new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1223 Allow access of NVMe drives behind Intel RST drivers new minor unscheduled all
#1230 Not in smartctl database: INTEL SSDSC2BF240A5L new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1269 HPE MB012000GWDFE missing in smartmon database new minor undecided drivedb
#1284 Allow smartd to monitor xselftest log new minor unscheduled smartd
#1292 Support for Advantech SQFlash SSDs in drivedb new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1297 Get/set/reset ATA ACS-4 ERC Power-on Timer Value new minor unscheduled smartctl
#1300 Man page provides no clue how to interpret NVMe error log new minor unscheduled smartctl
#1313 Beware of SMR drives in CMR clothing new minor undecided all
#1322 Support for DELL PERC H730P on Windows new minor unscheduled smartctl
#1324 Corsair Neutron GTX new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1340 Please add WDC WD40EMAZ-11LW3B0 to drivedb new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1368 Add Toshiba MK7559GSXF to drivedb.h new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1372 Device not in database: Seagate BarraCuda 120 SSD ZA1000CM10003 new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1420 Request to add ASMedia 1062R to drivedb.h new minor undecided drivedb
#1422 Samsung Flash Drive FIT support (0x090c:0x1000, Silicon Motion) new minor undecided drivedb
#1429 Advantech SQF-SM8V2-60G-BBZ new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1432 add to drivedb: IBM-WD-WD3000FYYZ-23UL new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1443 [smartd] fix for otherwise always aborted selftests new minor undecided smartd
#1445 Donation? new minor wiki
#1451 Requesting -d sat entry for JMicron 0x152d:0x0583 (conflict with -d sntjmicron) new minor undecided all
#1456 disk is missed in database (TOSHIBA-VT180) new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1459 Add to drivedb: WDC WSH722020ALN6Lz new minor undecided drivedb
#1461 WD Elements WDBWLG0100HBK-EESN (WDC WD101EMAZ-11G7DA0) new minor undecided drivedb
#1471 Add Raw Format for Seagate Error Rates (ST4000DM004-2CV104) new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1480 New device to drivedb - Verbatim Vi560 SATA III M.2 SSD new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1485 Add to drivedb: KINGSTON SA400S371920G new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1486 HP P500 portable SSD not being correctly handled (0x090c:0x1000) new minor undecided all
#1493 WDC WD180EDGZ-11B2DA0 new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1497 TOSHIBA DT01ABA200V new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1505 smartd: only start self-test if temperature is low enough? new minor undecided smartd
#1506 Toshiba Canvio Basics HDTB440EK3CA (TOSHIBA MQ04UBB400, 0x0480:0x0900) new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1507 How to retrieve/set SCTERC NVME devices? new minor undecided smartctl
#1512 Deprecate the mailing list in favor of StackExchange new minor undecided all
#1514 Add HPE OEM drives to drivedb (MB004000GWKGV, MK003840GWHTE) new minor undecided drivedb
#1523 Schrodinger's test - Captive tests fail when Smart is checked new minor undecided smartctl
#1524 Add SSD HP S700 Pro to the database new minor undecided drivedb
#1530 Please add SanDisk x400 M.2 to Database new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1531 Please add SPCC Solid State Disk to Database new minor undecided drivedb
#1533 Please add Lite-on LSS-32L6G-HP to Database new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1534 Please add SanDisk SD7SB3Q to Database new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1539 Please add Transcend TS2GSDOM22V to the Database new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1540 Please add Lite-on LCS-128L9S-HP to the Database new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1541 HP SSD S700 500GB new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1544 WDC WD20SDRW-11VUUS0 information for smart database new minor unscheduled drivedb
#1545 Request to support Intel SSD S4520/S4620 Series new minor unscheduled drivedb
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