Custom Query (223 matches)


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Results (201 - 223 of 223)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#1507 How to retrieve/set SCTERC NVME devices? new minor undecided smartctl
#1523 Schrodinger's test - Captive tests fail when Smart is checked new minor undecided smartctl
#1606 SCSI Selftest Log does not print when JSON format requested new minor unscheduled smartctl
#1738 Better info for SAS drives new minor undecided smartctl
#1806 JSON output for NVMe is missing info from 'smartctl -c' new major unscheduled smartctl
#1807 Smartctl - Identify (--identify) to JSON new minor unscheduled smartctl
#60 DEVICESCAN and hotplug new somebody major unscheduled smartd
#90 Allow to ignore small changes of attribute values accepted Christian Franke minor unscheduled smartd
#107 Monitor worst and threshold value new somebody minor undecided smartd
#299 Feature request: Read drive info through WMI new somebody minor undecided smartd
#695 Incorrect serial number in email report after drive replacement new minor unscheduled smartd
#1190 smartd not writing attributes (-A) for NVMe devices new minor unscheduled smartd
#1284 Allow smartd to monitor xselftest log new minor unscheduled smartd
#1443 [smartd] fix for otherwise always aborted selftests new minor undecided smartd
#1505 smartd: only start self-test if temperature is low enough? new minor undecided smartd
#1586 DEVICESCAN -n standby could work for SCSI & SAS devices too new minor unscheduled smartd
#1649 Support NVMe self-tests in smartd new minor unscheduled smartd
#1715 Allow to ignore certain bits of NVMe Critical Warning byte new minor unscheduled smartd
#1716 Monitor "Available Spare" for NVMe SSD devices new minor unscheduled smartd
#1779 set smartd.conf settings based on type, manufacturer, model new minor undecided smartd
#1835 Smartd should also ignore 'Set Feature' related errors from NVMe Error Information log accepted Christian Franke minor Release 7.5 smartd
#1850 Ignore specific NVME temperature sensor new minor undecided smartd
#1445 Donation? new minor wiki
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