Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#52 os_linux.cpp: Implement linux_highpoint_device::ata_pass_through() new enhancement major unscheduled all
#60 DEVICESCAN and hotplug new enhancement major unscheduled smartd
#104 os_solaris.cpp: Migrate to new dev_interface new enhancement major unscheduled all
#105 os_qnxnto.cpp: Migrate to new dev_interface new enhancement major unscheduled all
#107 Monitor worst and threshold value new enhancement minor undecided smartd
#110 Print self-test failure checkpoint byte new enhancement minor undecided smartctl
#179 Rework SCSI debug output new task minor unscheduled all
#215 Read xerror and append new error(s) to log file new enhancement minor undecided all
#230 Areca device for Windows not showing in --scan new enhancement minor undecided all
#292 Some Seagate drives play loose with the usage of some fields, confuses calculations new enhancement minor undecided all
#299 Feature request: Read drive info through WMI new enhancement minor undecided smartd
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.