Custom Query (155 matches)


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Results (101 - 155 of 155)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#781 smartctl for OCZ-AGILITY3 incorrectly reporting temperature of 128C defect minor all
#776 Self-test log differences between "-a" and "-x" options defect major smartctl
#769 TOSHIBA PX04SRB384 rev AM04 defect major drivedb
#753 LITEONIT LSS-24L6G Database Submission enhancement minor drivedb
#748 scan_smart_devices: glob(3) aborted matching pattern /dev/discs/disc enhancement major all
#735 "smartctl -o on sdX" disables spindown defect minor all
#727 smartctl hangs with Areca 1883 defect major smartctl
#701 Smartd not sending email defect minor smartd
#694 about the smartmontools command to fetch the NVMe SSD info under Windows. defect major all
#676 USB enclosure (Asmedia 5311E) failed with -d sat what now? defect major all
#675 Disable tler through usb3.0-sata enclosure? defect major all
#666 Add Kingston HyperX to database enhancement minor drivedb
#641 kingston ssd uv300 Runtime_Bad_Block defect major smartctl
#639 Problem on reading news WDC WD10 Red HDD defect major all
#630 how to configure amazon aws mail server to send smartd alerts defect minor all
#629 Intel SSD DC S3500 detected as SATA 2.6 compliant defect minor all
#626 Intel® SSD 520 Series + smartctl -t long defect major all
#610 Rosewill Armer RX307-PU3-35B -- 0x4971:0x8017 (0x8104) -- long test keeps aborting defect major smartctl
#608 Long test hanged on HGST drives defect major all
#606 Vendor Attributes not fetched for Seagate/Toshiba Disks defect major all
#553 smartctrl labels seemingly good value pre-fail (windows and linux) defect major all
#526 2T external WD drive right drivers here for Windows 7 mark kirk defect minor Release 6.0 all
#519 testing new trac, plz ignore defect major Release 6.0 all
#518 Is following "FIRMWARE IMPENDING FAILURE*" errors critical ? task trivial all
#514 smartcrl question defect minor drivedb
#507 Strange attributes on Seagate Constellation ES.3 enhancement major all
#495 Smartmontools + Intel RAIDcontroller + Powershell task major all
#491 Selective self-tests not logged to selective self-test log data structure on WD Green 6TB defect major smartctl
#466 FreeBSD 9.3: extended self-test log lifetime timestamp does not match reality defect major all
#350 CentOS release 5.10 complains about deprecated SCSI ioctl task minor smartctl
#347 invalid SMART checksum bug defect minor smartctl
#344 First enumerated disk in array gets strange FW version and no self-test support defect major smartctl
#323 Report for Western Digital Red drive doesn't make sense somebody defect major smartctl
#318 Spam somebody defect major all
#293 Incomplete support for fixed format sense data somebody defect minor all
#288 Remove failure notice for Attribute 190 somebody task major smartctl
#287 selective test percentage somebody defect major all
#284 smartctl -l selftest does not show running selftest status with Toshiba MK2002TSKB somebody defect minor all
#282 problem with smartctl -a with SDM SSD memory device jeremy385892 defect major smartctl
#274 big temperature difference between smartd & smartctl somebody defect major all
#270 HD temp sensors too somebody defect major all
#265 Support for Serial Attached SCSI Drives somebody enhancement minor all
#263 Drive does not support SMART, but health check shows 'Ok' somebody defect minor smartctl
#261 smartctl on OpenSolaris (OpenIndiana, illumos) outputs kernel errors somebody defect minor all
#210 Can't enable SMART on WD20EARS-00MVWB0 somebody defect major all
#208 LSI 2018 MegaRaid INQUIRY failed somebody defect major all
#196 Spam somebody defect major all
#176 SATA drive in an external USB connect enclosure somebody defect major all
#96 St34342A Support?! somebody enhancement major all
#58 Spam somebody defect major smartctl
#57 Spam somebody defect major smartctl
#56 Spam somebody defect trivial smartctl
#51 Spam somebody defect major smartctl
#41 smartd: internal error in MailWarning(): cfg.mailwarn->emailfreq=0 somebody defect minor smartd
#9 SCSI devices are exported 2 times to smartd Alex Samorukov defect major all
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