Custom Query (257 matches)


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Results (201 - 257 of 257)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#1897 ADATA IM2S3168-128GD new enhancement unscheduled drivedb
#1900 WD Green 2.5 1000GB not in database: Attaching short self-test log new enhancement unscheduled drivedb
#1901 JMicron JMS581DL (0x152d:0x0581, -d sat or -d sntjmicron) new enhancement undecided drivedb
#1903 Request for Enhancement in drivedb (ST24000NT002[-3N1101]) new enhancement undecided drivedb
#1917 Adding DGSR2512GP13T sata SSD device in smartctl database new enhancement unscheduled drivedb
#1922 <ATP SATAIII SSD> Add additional model name to the database new enhancement undecided drivedb
#1923 Add to drivedb: SH9M2S86Q120GLE3GC new enhancement undecided drivedb
#1926 Add SSD BIWIN CSE25Y51Q10-480/960/1920/3840/7680G to the drivedb new enhancement unscheduled drivedb
#1927 TOSHIBA HDWG740UZSVD (N300 PRO) Not in smartctl database new enhancement unscheduled drivedb
#1928 Goodram CX400 Gen 2 missing new enhancement unscheduled drivedb
#1929 Support for HP branded Intel SSD (VK000480GWTTA) new enhancement unscheduled drivedb
#1930 Verbatim Vi550 S3 SSD 256GB new enhancement unscheduled drivedb
#1932 Seagate ST22000NM001E missing from drive database 7.3/5660 new enhancement drivedb
#1933 Packard Bell Carbon (0x0766:0x0017) new enhancement unscheduled drivedb
#110 Print self-test failure checkpoint byte new somebody enhancement undecided smartctl
#187 information of partitions accepted Christian Franke enhancement unscheduled smartctl
#737 Exit code 0 returned even when no SCSI diagnostic data is available new defect undecided smartctl
#832 Enable / disable the certain device features by specifying feature value and sector count value. new patch undecided smartctl
#870 [SAS/SCSI] Patch to support SMART attributes support for WDC SAS products new patch undecided smartctl
#1066 Please add a timeout parameter new enhancement unscheduled smartctl
#1218 Self tests pass under Windows 10 1809 but get stuck at 90% under Linux new defect undecided smartctl
#1297 Get/set/reset ATA ACS-4 ERC Power-on Timer Value new enhancement unscheduled smartctl
#1300 Man page provides no clue how to interpret NVMe error log new enhancement unscheduled smartctl
#1322 Support for DELL PERC H730P on Windows new enhancement unscheduled smartctl
#1462 Read SMART Selective Self-test Log failed: scsi error unsupported field in scsi command new defect undecided smartctl
#1496 smartctl -s standby,now SPINS up other drives! (Windows) new defect undecided smartctl
#1507 How to retrieve/set SCTERC NVME devices? new enhancement undecided smartctl
#1519 SMART attributes of sleeping external HDD are returned only after the 3rd try new defect undecided smartctl
#1523 Schrodinger's test - Captive tests fail when Smart is checked new enhancement undecided smartctl
#1526 Problem Dell laptops mode Raid-On [Windows] new defect undecided smartctl
#1568 smartctl messages ‘Error: UNC at LBA’ invalid value for Windows new defect undecided smartctl
#1606 SCSI Selftest Log does not print when JSON format requested new enhancement unscheduled smartctl
#1625 smartctl does not check physical element status new defect undecided smartctl
#1702 Seagate ST8000VN004-2M2101 doesn't show SMART attributes with -x new defect undecided smartctl
#1708 Windows - NVMe Self-Test (kicking and aborting) not working properly new defect undecided smartctl
#1738 Better info for SAS drives new enhancement undecided smartctl
#1748 Inconsistency in nvme output & recommendation new defect undecided smartctl
#1807 Smartctl - Identify (--identify) to JSON new enhancement unscheduled smartctl
#1905 smartctl stores system uptime in the LifeTime(hours) field of the smart self-test on an Samsung SSD 840 EVO 1TB new defect undecided smartctl
#90 Allow to ignore small changes of attribute values accepted Christian Franke enhancement unscheduled smartd
#107 Monitor worst and threshold value new somebody enhancement undecided smartd
#299 Feature request: Read drive info through WMI new somebody enhancement undecided smartd
#695 Incorrect serial number in email report after drive replacement new enhancement unscheduled smartd
#1190 smartd not writing attributes (-A) for NVMe devices new enhancement unscheduled smartd
#1245 smartd continues to write identical disk data for a failed drive reopened defect undecided smartd
#1284 Allow smartd to monitor xselftest log new enhancement unscheduled smartd
#1443 [smartd] fix for otherwise always aborted selftests new enhancement undecided smartd
#1505 smartd: only start self-test if temperature is low enough? new enhancement undecided smartd
#1586 DEVICESCAN -n standby could work for SCSI & SAS devices too new enhancement unscheduled smartd
#1639 no description for -d nvme in smartd.conf new defect unscheduled smartd
#1670 smartd: per device rules don't match for nvmes new defect undecided smartd
#1715 Allow to ignore certain bits of NVMe Critical Warning byte new enhancement unscheduled smartd
#1716 Monitor "Available Spare" for NVMe SSD devices new enhancement unscheduled smartd
#1779 set smartd.conf settings based on type, manufacturer, model new enhancement undecided smartd
#1906 smard fails to start if non-removable drive is connected by usb without -d removable new defect undecided smartd
#1445 Donation? new enhancement wiki
#1916 On-line versions of the man pages no longer shown in html format new enhancement undecided wiki
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