Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (101 - 121 of 121)

1 2

Status: new (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1802 add to drivedb: Hikvision HS-SSD-E100N 1024G enhancement minor drivedb
#1820 Add new rule of Apacer SSDs to drivedb (SMFL*) enhancement minor drivedb
#1833 Add new rule of Innodisk SSDs to drivedb (3ME3/3ME4/3TG6-P/3TE7) enhancement minor drivedb
#1837 Add NVMe "by-id" symlinks to "-d by-id" device scanning enhancement minor all
#1839 Request to Add SQFlash Information to Smartmontools Database patch minor drivedb
#1840 Database update: Samsung 870 EVO correction enhancement minor drivedb
#1842 LITEON-CF1-CP256-HP to the database enhancement minor drivedb
#1845 SPCC Solid State Disk with Firmware J00fae20 enhancement minor drivedb
#1853 Add ps3stor RAID(ps3stor RAID Controller) support on Linux patch minor all
#1857 Please register HDD - unsupported field in scsi command enhancement minor drivedb
#1866 One drive to add to the database (HUH721212ALE601) enhancement minor drivedb
#1870 Transcend TS32GSSD340K (and probably others) enhancement minor drivedb
#1886 [QNAP TR-002] usb reset SuperSpeed device when using -x flag defect minor all
#1903 Request for Enhancement in drivedb (ST24000NT002[-3N1101]) enhancement minor drivedb
#1905 smartctl stores system uptime in the LifeTime(hours) field of the smart self-test on an Samsung SSD 840 EVO 1TB defect minor smartctl
#1916 On-line versions of the man pages no longer shown in html format enhancement minor wiki
#1922 <ATP SATAIII SSD> Add additional model name to the database enhancement minor drivedb

Status: reopened (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#645 Highpoint RocketRAID 2680SGL support (Windows) enhancement minor all 6.4
#719 Prolific PL2773 USB3.0/eSATAII-to-SATAII bridge via eSATA not working enhancement minor all 6.5
#1515 smartctl crash with aacraid and adaptec 6805 on Windows defect major all 7.2
#1245 smartd continues to write identical disk data for a failed drive defect minor smartd
1 2
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