Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (101 - 121 of 121)

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Status: new (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1117 add to drivedb: ST240FN0021 patch minor drivedb 6.2
#1504 defect - WD Elements external hard drive errors with "not capable of SMART self-check" defect major all
#1527 linux megaraid: opening the device for ioctls with O_RDWR causes a partition rescan patch major all 7.2
#964 new re-RMA disk, smartmontools shows Power-off_retract_count > 65536+ but other 'Count' values are < 5-10 enhancement minor drivedb 6.6
#690 os_solaris.cpp: Add NVMe support for Solaris and IllumOS enhancement minor all
#1814 please add support for Micron CT1000X9SSD9 (0x0634:0x5605) enhancement minor drivedb 7.4
#1779 set smartd.conf settings based on type, manufacturer, model enhancement minor smartd
#1906 smard fails to start if non-removable drive is connected by usb without -d removable defect minor smartd 7.3
#1773 smartctl --scan can not detect the disks behind a megaraid controller on Dell Poweredge R620 with windows os enhancement minor all 7.3
#1496 smartctl -s standby,now SPINS up other drives! (Windows) defect minor smartctl 7.2
#1625 smartctl does not check physical element status defect minor smartctl
#1568 smartctl messages ‘Error: UNC at LBA’ invalid value for Windows defect minor smartctl 7.2
#1905 smartctl stores system uptime in the LifeTime(hours) field of the smart self-test on an Samsung SSD 840 EVO 1TB defect minor smartctl
#1641 smartctl.exe -d aacraid on Windows crashing when called with full path to binary defect major all 7.3
#1623 smartd SMART Failure events even after the HDD is replaced defect major smartd
#1505 smartd: only start self-test if temperature is low enough? enhancement minor smartd
#1670 smartd: per device rules don't match for nvmes defect minor smartd

Status: reopened (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#645 Highpoint RocketRAID 2680SGL support (Windows) enhancement minor all 6.4
#719 Prolific PL2773 USB3.0/eSATAII-to-SATAII bridge via eSATA not working enhancement minor all 6.5
#1515 smartctl crash with aacraid and adaptec 6805 on Windows defect major all 7.2
#1245 smartd continues to write identical disk data for a failed drive defect minor smartd
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