Custom Query (9 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#1422 Samsung Flash Drive FIT support (0x090c:0x1000, Silicon Motion) new usb nand enhancement minor
#1451 Requesting -d sat entry for JMicron 0x152d:0x0583 (conflict with -d sntjmicron) new usb enhancement minor
#1461 WD Elements WDBWLG0100HBK-EESN (WDC WD101EMAZ-11G7DA0) new usb hdd enhancement minor
#1486 HP P500 portable SSD not being correctly handled (0x090c:0x1000) new usb nand enhancement minor
#1756 USB-A/USB-C flash Kingston DataTraveller Max (0x0951:0x177f) new usb nand enhancement minor
#1767 Add support for Transcend ESD310 (Silicon Motion SM2320, 0x2174:0x2100) new usb nand enhancement minor
#1814 please add support for Micron CT1000X9SSD9 (0x0634:0x5605) new usb nand enhancement minor
#1901 JMicron JMS581DL (0x152d:0x0581, -d sat or -d sntjmicron) new nvme usb enhancement minor
#1906 smard fails to start if non-removable drive is connected by usb without -d removable new usb defect minor
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