Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#230 Areca device for Windows not showing in --scan new areca windows somebody enhancement minor
#299 Feature request: Read drive info through WMI new windows somebody enhancement minor
#513 Windows spins up and down disk even when ''-n standby'' is used new windows defect minor
#645 Highpoint RocketRAID 2680SGL support (Windows) reopened highpoint windows enhancement minor
#1223 Allow access of NVMe drives behind Intel RST drivers new nvme windows enhancement minor
#1322 Support for DELL PERC H730P on Windows new megaraid windows enhancement minor
#1496 smartctl -s standby,now SPINS up other drives! (Windows) new windows defect minor
#1519 SMART attributes of sleeping external HDD are returned only after the 3rd try new windows sat defect minor
#1526 Problem Dell laptops mode Raid-On [Windows] new windows defect minor
#1708 Windows - NVMe Self-Test (kicking and aborting) not working properly new nvme windows defect minor
#1729 Windows: Drive via GUID accepted windows Christian Franke enhancement minor
#1773 smartctl --scan can not detect the disks behind a megaraid controller on Dell Poweredge R620 with windows os new lsi megaraid windows enhancement minor
#1911 Add SAS support for Windows CSMI RAID drivers new csmi windows enhancement minor
#1515 smartctl crash with aacraid and adaptec 6805 on Windows reopened aacraid windows defect major
#1641 smartctl.exe -d aacraid on Windows crashing when called with full path to binary new aacraid windows defect major
#1765 IOCTL_ATA_PASS_THROUGH fails with DRQ set (Intel PCH AHCI) new ata windows defect major
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