Custom Query (115 matches)


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Results (101 - 115 of 115)

1 2

Status: new (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#1012 Please add Western Digital WD6001F4PZ-49CWHM0 to the database enhancement minor 6.6 7 years
#1025 KingSpec NT-256 M.2 SATA 256 GB SSD enhancement minor 6.6 7 years
#1031 Device "LITEON CV1-8B256" is missing from the smartmontools database enhancement minor 6.6 7 years
#1032 INTEL SSDSC2KR064G8 (E5100s) enhancement minor 6.6 7 years
#1061 not in smartctl database: TOSHIBA HDWA120 enhancement minor 6.6 6 years
#1128 add to drivedb: Innodisk 3IE4 MLC 32GB DHS25-32GM41BW1DC-A90 enhancement minor 6.6 6 years
#1135 KINGSTON SMS100S232G enhancement minor 6.6 6 years
#1230 Not in smartctl database: INTEL SSDSC2BF240A5L enhancement minor 6.6 5 years
#1506 Toshiba Canvio Basics HDTB440EK3CA (TOSHIBA MQ04UBB400, 0x0480:0x0900) enhancement minor 6.6 4 years
#1595 add to drivedb: HP SSD S600 enhancement minor 6.6 3 years
#904 ADATA SP580 enhancement minor 6.5 7 years
#914 DRIVE SUBMSISION: TOSHIBA THNSNK128GCS8 SSD 128GB enhancement minor 6.5 7 years
#920 need to help for some correction : PM871b HP defect minor 6.5 7 years
#1114 TOSHIBA MQ01ACF050 - device not in database enhancement minor 6.5 6 years
#464 Improve handling of the SanDisk based SSDs based on data from vendor tool enhancement minor 6.3 10 years
1 2
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