Custom Query (6 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#2 os_freebsd.cpp - added USB detection and converted to the new interface Dan Lukes enhancement major 15 years
#4 ciss devices fail with os_freebsd.cpp from svn Alex Samorukov defect major 5.39.1 15 years
#5 build fail on freebsd 8 Alex Samorukov defect major 15 years
#8 USB devices are not autodetected by smartd DEVICESCAN somebody defect major 15 years
#23 strict-aliasing warnings from gcc 4.4.1 on Linux x86_64 somebody defect minor 15 years
#3 ABEND on FreeBSD when non-SCSI device accessed with -d scsi somebody defect trivial 15 years
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