1 | 71c71
2 | < { "VERSION: 7.3/5571 2023-12-31 16:44:16 $Id$",
3 | ---
4 | > { "VERSION: 7.3/5571 2024-01-08 19:31:27 $Id$",
5 | 3964c3964,3966
6 | < { "Toshiba MG04ACA... Enterprise HDD", // tested with TOSHIBA MD04ACA500/FP1A,
7 | ---
8 | > // For Toshiba MG-Series see:
9 | > // https://www.toshiba-storage.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/TOSHIBA_16046_DS_MGSeries_server_04-10.pdf
10 | > { "Toshiba MG04-Series Enterprise HDD (Air/CMR)", // tested with TOSHIBA MD04ACA500/FP1A,
11 | 3966c3968
12 | < "TOSHIBA MG04ACA[23456]00([AEN].?)?",
13 | ---
14 | > "TOSHIBA MG04ACA[123456]0[0E][AEN]Y?",
15 | 3973c3975
16 | < { "Toshiba MG06ACA... Enterprise Capacity HDD", // tested with TOSHIBA MG06ACA800E/4303,
17 | ---
18 | > { "Toshiba MG06-Series Enterprise Capacity HDD (Air/CMR)", // tested with TOSHIBA MG06ACA800E/4303,
19 | 3978c3980
20 | < { "Toshiba MG07ACA... Enterprise Capacity HDD", // tested with TOSHIBA MG07ACA14TE/0101
21 | ---
22 | > { "Toshiba MG07-Series Enterprise Capacity HDD (Helium/CMR)", // tested with TOSHIBA MG07ACA14TE/0101
23 | 3984,3986c3986,3993
24 | < { "Toshiba MG08ACA... Enterprise Capacity HDD", // tested with TOSHIBA MG08ACA14TE/0102,
25 | < // TOSHIBA MG08ACA16TE/0102
26 | < "TOSHIBA MG08ACA1[46]T[AE]Y?",
27 | ---
28 | > { "Toshiba MG08-Series Enterprise Capacity HDD (Air/CMR)", // tested with TOSHIBA MG08ADA800E/4304
29 | > // TOSHIBA MG08ADA800E/4304
30 | > "TOSHIBA MG08A[CD][AP][864]00[AEN]Y?",
31 | > "", "", ""
32 | > },
33 | > { "Toshiba MG08-Series Enterprise Capacity HDD (Helium/CMR)", // tested with TOSHIBA MG08ACA14TE/0102
34 | > // TOSHIBA MG08ACA14TE/0102
35 | > "TOSHIBA MG08ACA1[246]T[AE]Y?",
36 | 3991c3998
37 | < { "Toshiba MG09ACA... Enterprise Capacity HDD", // tested with TOSHIBA MG09ACA18TE/0102
38 | ---
39 | > { "Toshiba MG09-Series Enterprise Capacity HDD (Helium/MAMR)", // tested with TOSHIBA MG09ACA18TE/0102
40 | 3998,3999c4005,4006
41 | < { "Toshiba MG10ACA... Enterprise Capacity HDD", // tested with TOSHIBA MG10ACA20TE/0102
42 | < "TOSHIBA MG10ACA20T[AE]Y?",
43 | ---
44 | > { "Toshiba MG10-Series Enterprise Capacity HDD (Helium/MAMR)", // tested with TOSHIBA MG10ACA20TE/0102
45 | > "TOSHIBA MG10A[CF]A[12][028]T[AE]Y?",