Ticket #1456: drivedb.h.add

File drivedb.h.add, 1003 bytes (added by Михаил Черепанов, 4 years ago)
1// { "TOSHIBA-VT180",
2// "GB SATA Flash Drive", // tested with ...,
3// "TOSHIBA-VT180",
4// "","",
5// "-v 171,raw48,Available OP Sector Count "
6// },
7 { "Toshiba-VT180",
8 "TOSHIBA-VT180", // attributes from OCZ SSD utility
9 "", "",
10 "-v 5,raw48,Accumulated_Runtime_Bad_Blocks "
11 "-v 171,raw48,Available_OP_Sector_Count " // Number of over provision blocks still available
12 "-v 174,raw48,Power_Cycle_Count_unplanned "
13 "-v 195,raw48,Total_Programing_Failures " // Total number of programming failures
14 "-v 196,raw48,Total_Erase_Failures " // Total number of programming failures
15 "-v 197,raw48,Total_Read_Failures " // Total number of programming failures
16 "-v 208,raw48,Average_Erase_Count "
17 "-v 210,raw48,SATA_CRC_Error_Count "
18 "-v 224,raw48,In_Warranty "
19 "-v 225,raw48,DAS_Polarity "
20 "-v 226,raw48,Partial_Pfail "
21 "-v 233,raw48,Lifetime_Remaining "
22 "-v 249,raw48,Total_NAND_Programming_Count " // (pages)
23 },