Ticket #1079: error_counter_log.json

File error_counter_log.json, 4.9 KB (added by Rick Chen, 6 years ago)
2 "json_format_version" : [
3 0,
4 1
5 ],
6 "smartctl" : {
7 "version" : [
8 6,
9 7
10 ],
11 "platform_info" : "x86_64-linux-3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64",
12 "build_info" : "(local build)",
13 "argv" : [
14 "smartctl",
15 "-a",
16 "--json=o",
17 "/dev/sdb"
18 ],
19 "output" : [
20 "smartctl 6.7 (build date Aug 30 2018) [x86_64-linux-3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64] (local build)",
21 "Copyright (C) 2002-18, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org",
22 "",
24 "Vendor: SEAGATE",
25 "Product: ST400FM0053",
26 "Revision: 0007",
27 "Compliance: SPC-4",
28 "User Capacity: 400,088,457,216 bytes [400 GB]",
29 "Logical block size: 512 bytes",
30 "Physical block size: 4096 bytes",
31 "LB provisioning type: not reported [LBPME=1, LBPRZ=1]",
32 "Rotation Rate: Solid State Device",
33 "Form Factor: 2.5 inches",
34 "Logical Unit id: 0x5000c500301a2433",
35 "Serial number: Z3F01KCM0000Z3F01KCM",
36 "Device type: disk",
37 "Transport protocol: SAS (SPL-3)",
38 "Local Time is: Sun Sep 2 23:15:26 2018 EDT",
39 "SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.",
40 "SMART support is: Enabled",
41 "Temperature Warning: Enabled",
42 "",
44 "SMART Health Status: OK",
45 "",
46 "Percentage used endurance indicator: 2%",
47 "Current Drive Temperature: 34 C",
48 "Drive Trip Temperature: 60 C",
49 "",
50 "Manufactured in week 37 of year 2016",
51 "Specified cycle count over device lifetime: 10000",
52 "Accumulated start-stop cycles: 77",
53 "Elements in grown defect list: 0",
54 "",
55 "Vendor (Seagate Cache) information",
56 " Blocks sent to initiator = 3346778763",
57 " Blocks received from initiator = 3012241198",
58 " Blocks read from cache and sent to initiator = 1009147024",
59 " Number of read and write commands whose size <= segment size = 666377012",
60 " Number of read and write commands whose size > segment size = 411192197",
61 "",
62 "Vendor (Seagate/Hitachi) factory information",
63 " number of hours powered up = 9367.23",
64 " number of minutes until next internal SMART test = 47",
65 "",
66 "Error counter log:",
67 " Errors Corrected by Total Correction Gigabytes Total",
68 " ECC rereads/ errors algorithm processed uncorrected",
69 " fast | delayed rewrites corrected invocations [10^9 bytes] errors",
70 "read: 0 0 0 0 0 10509.644 0",
71 "write: 0 0 0 0 0 67517.170 0",
72 "verify: 0 0 0 0 0 0.362 0",
73 "",
74 "Non-medium error count: 0",
75 "",
76 "No Self-tests have been logged",
77 ""
78 ],
79 "exit_status" : 0
80 },
81 "device" : {
82 "name" : "/dev/sdb",
83 "info_name" : "/dev/sdb",
84 "type" : "scsi",
85 "protocol" : "SCSI"
86 },
87 "vendor" : "SEAGATE",
88 "product" : "ST400FM0053",
89 "model_name" : "SEAGATE ST400FM0053",
90 "revision" : "0007",
91 "scsi_version" : "SPC-4",
92 "user_capacity" : {
93 "blocks" : {
94 "n" : 781422768,
95 "s" : "781422768"
96 },
97 "bytes" : {
98 "n" : 400088457216,
99 "s" : "400088457216"
100 }
101 },
102 "logical_block_size" : 512,
103 "physical_block_size" : 4096,
104 "rotation_rate" : 0,
105 "form_factor" : {
106 "scsi_value" : 3,
107 "name" : "2.5 inches"
108 },
109 "serial_number" : "Z3F01KCM0000Z3F01KCM",
110 "device_type" : {
111 "scsi_value" : 0,
112 "name" : "disk"
113 },
114 "local_time" : {
115 "time_t" : 1535944526,
116 "asctime" : "Sun Sep 2 23:15:26 2018 EDT"
117 },
118 "smart_status" : {
119 "passed" : true
120 },
121 "temperature" : {
122 "current" : 34,
123 "drive_trip" : 60
124 },
125 "scsi_error_counter_log" : {
126 "read" : {
127 "errors_corrected_by_eccfast" : 0,
128 "errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed" : 0,
129 "errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites" : 0,
130 "total_errors_corrected" : 0,
131 "correction_algorithm_invocations" : 0,
132 "gigabytes_processed" : "10509.644",
133 "total_uncorrected_errors" : 0
134 },
135 "write" : {
136 "errors_corrected_by_eccfast" : 0,
137 "errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed" : 0,
138 "errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites" : 0,
139 "total_errors_corrected" : 0,
140 "correction_algorithm_invocations" : 0,
141 "gigabytes_processed" : "67517.170",
142 "total_uncorrected_errors" : 0
143 },
144 "verify" : {
145 "errors_corrected_by_eccfast" : 0,
146 "errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed" : 0,
147 "errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites" : 0,
148 "total_errors_corrected" : 0,
149 "correction_algorithm_invocations" : 0,
150 "gigabytes_processed" : "0.362",
151 "total_uncorrected_errors" : 0
152 }
153 }